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The Cape Cop Shop
38 Sisson Rd, St 101, Harwich Port

Perfect Fit 1.75″ Top Grain Leather Belt

This 1.75" garrison belt is made of Top grain 10-12 oz leather and is drum dyed. Drum dyed means it is dyed all the way through instead of only surface colored. Drum dying helps prevent visible scratches and discoloration as the belt ages.

Leather is measured in Ounces. The ounce is not weight but rather thickness of the leather. This belt is 10-12 oz so it is between 5/32" and 3/16" thick making it more durable than some thinner belts you see that are made of bonded leather.

This belt is manufactured by Perfect Fit Shield Wallets in Corinna, ME

1.75" width

10-12 OZ Top Grain Leather

Drum Dyed

Chrome or Brass buckle.

Perfect Fit belts are measured from the fold over on the buckle to the center hole on the belt. They use 7 holes to make the belt adjustable.


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