The Cape Cop Shop
38 Sisson Rd, St 101, Harwich Port

LED 2024 Criminal Procedure Manual

The comprehensive law enforcement reference on Massachusetts criminal procedure – including constitutional principles and court decisions on encounters, detentions, frisks, traffic stops, use of force, arrests, searches, electronic evidence, interrogations, and identifications.

Key topics include:

• Exclusionary rule issues and ethics

• Police encounters

• Detentions

• Traffic stops and jurisdiction

• Allegations of police bias

• Exit orders

• Frisks

• Use of force (UOF)

• Arrests (with and without warrants)

• Searches (with and without warrants)

• Electronic evidence (cell phones, GPS, and more)

• Interrogations

• Identifications

Includes Miranda/Showup ID Card!

466 pages in this manual.

ISBN 978-1-944630-99-7


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