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The Cape Cop Shop
38 Sisson Rd, St 101, Harwich Port

Bravo Concealment IWB Belt Clips for BCA Holster

Polymer Injection Molded Belt Clips:

  • Sold In Pairs
  • Belt Clip Sizes: 1.50”
  • Hardware Included
  • Hole Spacing 0.5" in

These clips can be utilized to convert an OWB (Outside Waistband) Holsters to IWB (Inside Waistband).

The “low-profile” design allows your IWB Holster to be as minimal in width as it can be. This is important in concealment. The staggered hole design allows different multi attachment points for desired height.

These clips allow your Torsion holster in the "single belt clip configuration" to go "Tuck-able" This means that you can tuck your shirt between your pants and the holster for a more formal style of concealment.


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